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Counseling & Therapy Programs

Counseling & Therapy Programs

NBT therapists are licensed and trained in a variety of backgrounds and specialties. We treat clients with emotional, behavioral, and mental disorders. NBT therapists work in conjunction with psychologists and psychiatrists and refer patients to these specialists as they see fit. Counseling sessions may be one-to-one, group therapy, or sessions involving family members.


Benefits of Counseling & Therapy Programs

No Waiting Room

Convenient Scheduling

Remote Access to Service

Multiple Locations


Insurances Accepted


In Our Care

Some of the issues addressed are

… stress, grief, ADHD, anger management, addiction, depression or conflict. NBT mental therapist allows patients to share their emotions and listens objectively and without passing judgment. This encourages patients to open up and be frank about their emotional issues.

We conduct interviews and risk assessment

As part of the counseling process, we conduct interviews, testing, and risk assessment sessions with patients in order to evaluate their mental condition and formulate a treatment plan. We keep detailed notes and records on our patients and monitor their progress. With these tools, our therapists are able to make a diagnosis of mental illness and advise the patients on the best treatment plans.


Referral Form

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